Ordinary questions
How much should I pay in property fee?
The property fee for 2013 is SEK 7,074 per house.
The fee is indexed upward each year.
What should I pay in tax when I sell my home?
If you make a profit, or capital gain, when you sell your cooperative unit or your house, the tax rate is 22 percent. You can apply for a deferment on gains of up to SEK 1,450,000.
Can I make a deduction if I sell my home at a loss?
If you make a loss you can reduce your tax by 15% of the loss. (Half of the loss can be deducted and the percentage for the tax reduction is 30 %).
The reduction is calculated as follows:
The loss is SEK 50,000 SEK, so the tax reduction is SEK 7,500.
(SEK 50.000 x 50 % x 30 % = SEK 7,500)
How large an amount can I get a deferment for?
The maximum amount of the deferment is SEK 1,45 million. Annual interest of 0.5 percent is charged on the deferment. The table below shows what a deferment costs per month.
Capital gain SEK | SEK/month | Capital gain SEK | SEK/month |
100 000 | 42 | 900 000 | 376 |
200 000 | 84 | 1 000 000 | 418 |
300 000 | 125 | 1 100 000 | 459 |
400 000 | 167 | 1 200 000 | 501 |
500 000 | 209 | 1 300 000 | 543 |
600 000 | 251 | 1 400 000 | 585 |
700 000 | 292 | 1 450 000 | 605 |
800 000 | 334 |
What happens with the deferment if I give my house away?
The deferment is taxed if a home is transferred to a new owner by inheritance, gift, bequest or distribution of estate. The exception is inheritance or bequest to a spouse/cohabitant or a child under 18 living at home, or distribution of estate on divorce or termination of cohabitation relationship, or death of spouse or cohabitant.
I have sold my cooperative unit, when should I declare the sale?
Please contact Ann Marie Lövheden Höög or Håkan Olsson
by e-mail if you have not received the booklet.
In connection with a buyout, it is important to familiarize yourself with the rules concerning capital gains, especially if you are a new co-op owner and have an old capital gain to request a deferment for.
What is a joint ownership association?
Under the Joint Facilities Act, a joint facility entails a permanent collaboration between several properties with regard to their joint needs. The facility is normally managed by a joint ownership association.
Many different kinds of joint facilities are found in both urban and rural areas. They may take the form of playgrounds, parking garages, water supply and sewerage systems, logging roads, boat jetties, etc.
Each member property has a share in the joint facility, and a board is elected among the owners of the member properties to manage the operation of the facility.
What is an energy declaration?
If you live in a self-owned house and you sell it, you have to prepare an energy declaration.
Read more (in Swedish) at Boverket (The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning)
I have heard that the interest rate will go up, how will that affect me?
Read more at Riksbanken
Speak to your bank about a suitable mix of loans with variable and fixed interest rates.
In connection with a buyout or a capital contribution where several members take loans at the same time, the banks usually offer a discount on the interest rate.
Read more about interest rate statistics from Swedbank
I am retired, can I get a loan?
Speak with the cooperative association’s bank or your personal bank contact about this.
What is required for an association to go into voluntary liquidation?
What happens if I don’t want to participate in the buyout?
Do I get a capital gain on account of the buyout?
Read more about deferments.
But if you are not registered at the co-op address, this may be a problem. In that case, contact Forum Real Estate Economics or someone who can give you advice in tax matters.
What happens with the mortgage loans I have on the cooperative unit?
In connection with the buyout, the mortgage in the co-op unit is cancelled and replaced by a mortgage in the property you have bought from the cooperative association.
Note that the loan is converted at the time of the actual buyout. The buyout usually takes place sometime after the buyout decision is made. Before the buyout occurs, the National Land Survey has to form new properties, one plot per house.