Environmental Policy

Buildings along the water

Forum Fastighetsekonomi's operations are considered to have a comparatively low environmental impact. Despite this, we work actively to reduce our environmental impact, among other things by making the offices more energy efficient and prioritizing an environmentally friendly mode of transport in the service.

We work actively with our environmental policy via routines and follow-up. Below is Forum's environmental policy:

Our business encompasses real estate economic consultancy. Therefore, it is of great importance that we are well aware of the environmental impact of our own operations, and we aim to constantly improve by continuously working to reduce this impact.

We will strive to ensure that all our procedures, such as purchasing, waste management, and transportation, are carried out with solutions that take the greatest possible account of long-term sustainable development for people, the environment, and the economy. We achieve this through clear guidelines and the education of all our employees.

We will comply with laws and other requirements that affect our business. Our policy will be integrated into the professional lives of our employees and serve as a guiding and inspiring principle in their personal lives as well.

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