Valuation & Analysis

Buildings along the water

Do You Need an Impartial Property Valuation?

Forum is an established valuation company, and we undertake assignments for both individual properties and extensive real estate portfolios.

We value virtually all categories of properties, which may include:

  • rental properties
  • commercial properties
  • industrial properties
  • specialized properties
  • hotels
  • development projects
  • raw land
  • building rights
  • development properties
  • forests
  • agricultural land
White apartment building in Stockholm

Large Estate Properties

This category primarily includes residential, office, and retail properties.

Special Properties

Certain properties are adapted for a unique purpose, such as sports facilities, schools, prisons, various types of technical facilities, and marinas, among others.

Forest/Agricultural Properties

Forest and agricultural properties are a heterogeneous category, consisting of diverse estates where no two are alike.

Market Analysis

Forum currently carries out a large number of assignments that focus on analyzing and describing a specific submarket. These can involve rental levels, ownership structures, vacancy studies, and more.


Our university-educated property valuers are certified by Samhällsbyggarna.

Certification means, among other things, that they have the required competence for the task, confidentiality, and independence.

The foundation of our property valuations is the market analysis.

It is essential for accurate assessments. Therefore, we invest considerable time and effort in staying up-to-date with various submarkets.

An important aspect is that we also monitor the general economic trends and assess their potential effects on the real estate market.

We compile our information on the Swedish real estate market in a dedicated market data system, FMI (Fastighets Marknads Information).

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For qualified advice and expert help in the property sector.

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