Large Estate Properties

Buildings along the water

Residential, Office, and Retail Properties

The large estate category primarily includes residential, office, and retail properties.

Valuations are largely based on assessments of future rental income, operating costs, occupancy rates, and yield requirements. Additionally, it is important to consider the condition and quality of the buildings' maintenance.

Forum has extensive experience in valuing large estate properties. By developing our own procedures and analysis tools tailored to our organization, the work is carried out efficiently. Our calculation program has gained significant attention and is now also used by other companies.

Large white office building

We provide various types of valuation reports, ranging from very simple ones with brief information to more comprehensive and detailed reports, where both the property and its market are thoroughly presented. Regardless of the reporting format, we never compromise on valuation quality.

We regularly carry out valuations of larger property portfolios. For portfolio assignments, we have developed specific procedures to ensure the work is as cost-effective as possible.

We also prepare reports in English.

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For qualified advice and expert help in the property sector.

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