Transformation in four steps

Buildings along the water

Four Important Steps in the Conversion

Forum Property Economics AB has extensive experience in conversions, and each conversion is unique. Our conversions are carried out with care and security for each individual member.

The member should acquire their condominium based on long-term sustainable calculations grounded in factual information. In the conversion process, we consider the whole picture to ensure that the future living situation in the condominium association is based on sound and secure finances.

Conducting a conversion involves a process with many different steps.

In a conversion carried out by Forum, the key steps we undertake are summarized briefly below.

Apartments with glass balconies

1. Investigation

  • Respond to inquiries from the board and tenants.
  • Gather information from the property owner.
  • Assess the value of the property.
  • Negotiate the price and terms of the purchase.

2. Conversion

  • Prepare preliminary housing cost calculations for the condominiums.
  • Organize and conduct information meetings for the tenants.
  • Collect tenants' preliminary expressions of interest.
  • Fund the property inspection, carried out by a subcontractor.
  • Propose the contribution amount and allocation of shares.
  • Prepare the condominium association's financial plan.
  • Manage and fund certification of the financial plan.
  • Obtain offers for the association’s and members’ financing.
  • Assist in securing the association’s and members’ financing.
  • Call an extraordinary general meeting to decide on the property purchase.
  • As chair, conduct the purchase meeting and record the minutes.

3. Transfer

  • Register the financial plan with the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket).
  • Cover the costs of registering the financial plan.
  • Prepare or review and negotiate the purchase agreement.
  • Prepare the lease documents for the condominium owners.
  • Create a member and apartment register.
  • Obtain quotes for property insurance.
  • Obtain quotes for financial management services.
  • Obtain quotes for technical management services.

4. Lease - Handover

  • Prepare the deed of purchase and settlement statement.
  • Arrange the handover and apply for title registration.
  • Grant the apartments as condominiums.
  • Assist the association's chosen management company in establishing effective property management.

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